Active listening = better decision making

Active listening = better decision making

One of the most important ways to show up in service is to suspend what we think we know and to listen. Empathy begins with listening – truly being present in the moment with someone and listening with your whole self. This skill becomes especially important in times of stress and extreme changes. In theory it sounds simple - and of course we all agree that we need to listen to others. But in real life, this takes practice and intention.

The Power of Kindness + Accountability

The Power of Kindness + Accountability

We spend far too much time working to dread going to work everyday.  Toxic teams impact everyone (you, your team, your customers).  When you lead with kindness, you create an environment where employees thrive, customer loyalty goes up, and overall business performance increases.

Let’s explore why it’s vital to intentionally lead with kindness and how it can make your company perform better.

Delegate More (and stop being the bottleneck!)

Delegate More (and stop being the bottleneck!)

We often have an internal belief that the more we do, the better results we’ll get.

But as your company grows and your team gets bigger, its not actually true.

You’re already doing all the things → and not getting the results you want and it’s not working as fast as you had hoped. You can see you’re the bottleneck yet you can’t seem to stop doing it.

Managing a Thriving Hybrid Team

Managing a Thriving Hybrid Team

Reality is many employers are needing to embrace the hybrid model in order to attract and keep their best employees.  Workers are demanding increased flexibility to support better life-work balance and to navigate life's complexities (child care, elder care, personal health, etc).  For a lot of us, the hybrid or remote workplace is a big win. 

As leaders though, we need to pay attention.

New Employee Onboarding Makes a Difference To Your Bottomline

 New Employee Onboarding Makes a Difference To Your Bottomline

I know first hand the impact effective onboarding can have on a company’s culture and introducing and uplifting new team members.  A recent Gallup study has shown that companies whose employees feel engaged at work experience higher profitability, lower turnover rates, reduced absenteeism and increased customer satisfaction. That’s pretty powerful! As leaders this is what we want for our teams.

I believe that onboarding is an important first step to promoting engagement, as it introduces new employees to both their practical responsibilities and the company’s culture and values.

5 Steps to Hire Top Talent with Confidence

Hiring is a big task in the best of circumstances and right now the stakes are even higher. With continued economic uncertainty, inflation and an employee driven market, you want to get it right -- both because hiring is expensive and because you have competition for the best talent.

Read on for my best practices for hiring with confidence and getting the right person in the right role.

Don't Fail Before You Even Start

Don't Fail Before You Even Start

As you navigate 2023 and face the many unknowns in your business this coming year, remember the more you utilize your team and rely on them, the better chances you have to be successful. The Center for Creative Leadership defines leadership as a social process that enables individuals to work together to achieve results that they could never achieve working as individuals. Instead of putting the entire weight of leadership on yourself or on individual managers, it’s important to include the whole system (team) involved.  Read more for the steps you need to take.

Are you setting your team up for success this year?

Are you setting your team up for success this year?

I know, I know - planning. It may be hard to get excited about planning. But trust me, don’t skip your annual planning! Even if it feels like a year where you are going to “rinse and repeat” last year or you feel like you have it all “in your head,” there is value in looking at things newly, having discussions, and writing it all down. If you’re more of a go with the flow kind of person and the word ‘planning’ makes you want to run the other direction, this is even more important for you