I have been a user of the Kolbe System™ since 2012 and a Kolbe Certified™ Consultant since 2019.
My Kolbe A is 4483. Thank you for your interest in learning more about this system!

My introduction to Kolbe changed me as a leader.

I understood better my strengths but even more impactful, I gained insight into areas that were causing me stress. I was better able to ask for strategic help and manage my workload differently.  

We implemented Kolbe at the company I worked with in 2012. Within 6 months, my work life transformed from a role in a company that I loved with a position that I tolerated → to both a company and a new role that I was excited about! 

This level of clarity was not only motivating for me but extremely rewarding for the business owner. I got to step into more responsibility and she was freed up to step into truly being CEO. Together we grew the team to over 15 members and revenue soared from $2M to over $5M in annual revenue.

I experienced first hand what happens when you match your natural strengths to the expectations of your position and job responsibilities.

Predictably, I stayed with that company for many more years! It transformed how we organized roles and responsibilities and our hiring practices in ways that were so simple to implement.  

Kolbe goes beyond theory to provide solutions and advice that are straightforward, practical, and focused on consistently improving outcomes.  

Imagine what this means for your team!

Know your strengths and build a team around them.


I believe that people are your most valuable asset. They are at the heart of every business.

Lives are better and productivity increases when people are in the right roles and enjoy the work they do, the people they work with and the culture they share.

Understanding not only your conative mind but that of your team will exponentially increase your businesses ability to drive results and achieve your top priorities in record time.

If you’d like to maximize the people that make up your business there is no better use of your time and attention than learning your Kolbe scores and understanding how to best support each other. 


Kolbe is a methodology that measures the conative part of the human mind. What is “conative?” Unlike cognitive assessments that measure intelligence, or affective assessments that describe preferences and personality, “conative,” or “conation,” refers to a person’s instincts for taking action... in other words, how you problem solve.

Kolbe assessments and reports are so powerful because they’re about how you execute, not your personality or how smart you are. It’s your default setting — how you naturally approach tasks and work even when you’re not aware of it.

Identifying and understanding a Kolbe A™ Index for yourself and everyone on your team will start you down the path towards increased performance and productivity.

When we work together, you will:
  • Empower Your People - they will understand themselves deeper, how they fit with their job, and what they can do to thrive
  • Improve Performance - when everyone works from their strengths the business achieves objectives quicker
  • Align Strengths & Roles - having the right person in the right role means your business runs smoothly and efficiently
  • Improve Team Dynamics - identifying individual and team strengths and leveraging them to optimize productivity
  • Increase Profitability - with increased performance and reduced turnover you get better results and happier customers


We have three options to introduce Kolbe in your business.

It starts with knowing your way of problem solving and taking action. When you’re ready, pick the package that best supports you and your business and let’s get started!

Know Your Strengths

For you, the leader and/or business owner. Get insights into how you get things done and ways to be more productive, less stressed.

Being the business owner comes with a lot of responsibility, expectations and - if done well - FUN!

What awaits you…
  • Immediate actionable insights
  • Leverage your personal strengths
  • Task delegation opportunities to reduce daily stress
  • Bold results as a thriving and energized leader!

The Know Your Strengths Package includes:

  • 1 Kolbe A Assessment
  • 45 minute Kolbe A interpretation and coaching call

Get Started for $250

Power of Two

For you & one team member or partner. A roadmap to engage each other and become an unstoppable pair.

Your business has expanded past you and that comes with a lot of new processes and communication.

What awaits you both…
  • Clarity around role & responsibility expectations
  • More productive meetings
  • Proactive, solution-based communication
  • Become the most powerful duo possible!

The Power of Two Package includes:

  • 2 Kolbe A Assessments
  • 45 minute Kolbe A interpretation and coaching call
  • Custom A to A Strengths Report

You & Your Partner for only $350

Small Team Kickstart

For you and your team. Maximize collaboration and results with deep respect for everyone’s strengths.

You’re doing big things and it’s a lot of pressure to keep your small yet mighty team synergy on point.

What awaits you and your team…
  • Awareness of how each person takes action
  • The best suited individual tasks to reduce frustration and fatigue
  • Thriving team communication
  • Improved working relationships and team collaboration!

The Small Team Kickstart includes:

  • Up to 5 Kolbe A Assessments
  • 90 minute custom Kolbe Team Training
  • Comparison Strengths Reports
  • Leader debrief and coaching on how to use Kolbe and new team insights

Small Teams get started for $2500

If you have a team of more than 5 people
or are interested in learning about consulting packages (for hiring, team development or process improvement projects),
Schedule a time to talk.

* Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of Kathy Kolbe and Kolbe Corp.
All rights reserved. Used herein with permission.