Like having a COO in your pocket

Regardless of title or role, whether boss, consultant or employee, I've spent my career influencing teams, tracking results and navigating through change.  

I've learned that accountability doesn't have to equate to being "mean" and our differences become our strengths. And when I was deep in the trenches, I benefited from (and needed) coaching.

We all benefit from outside perspective. 

As part of my annual planning and my desire to help teams create thriving, positive and profitable places to work, I assessed Positive Shift's value proposition and my 2024 People Plan Roadmap™ and service offerings.

Reflecting on my work with clients, it’s all to easy to get into the mode where the “norm” has become operating in chaos, reacting to one situation after the other. 

You take refuge in doing what you love (often that’s the serving-your-client part of your business or the sales part and spreading the word about your business) and all that “operational, running the team & business part” can fade for a bit. Then it all comes back!  Does this sound familiar: 

  • everything feels like a priority

  • it's a struggle to delegate

  • you and your team are drowning - you need help but not clear who/what to hire for next

It's the paradox of growth.  

In the beginning it was just you. Now, you have a team in place; you're celebrating major successes but with growth came the next set of challenges. It feels like you are back to the drawing board solving problems you thought you already fixed! 

Let me be the "COO in Your Pocket".  We will create a real roadmap for you and your team.   

Dream Teams don't just happen. And even teams with the best players don't always win.  The People Plan Roadmap™ helps you disrupt the reactionary cycle and moves you into proactive action.

You get clear on the true “state of the union” and it prioritizes the strategic thinking around your team.

With a thriving team, now, you as the leader, can focus on growth and new opportunities, on improvement and innovation instead of putting out today’s fires.

Be the Dream Team

Navigate change together. Create shared language & agreement.
Increase your organizational capability & resilience.

People Plan Roadmap Services:

Curious about the above services?

Let me know and I'll send you my 2024 Preferred Pricing List.  

In addition, I do a lot of custom projects designed for your unique situation. Let's schedule a time to talk and see how I can support you.  

Click here to schedule a time.

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