Increase employee satisfaction and engagement

Did you know one of the top reasons people share for why they are disengaged at work is lack of "opportunities to do what employees do best" (from Gallup Q1 2023)!  Also on the list lack of clarity of expectations and opportunity to learn and grow.

All of these ranked higher on the list than compensation.

When respondents were asked: “If you could make one change at your current employer to make it a great place to work, what would it be?” Overall, 85% of responses related to three categories: engagement or culture, pay and well-being.

from State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report

I find this information hopeful.

Both because it’s consistent with the conversations I have with teams and because there is so much we can do in response to these trends. The teams I interact with want to work someplace where their work matters and contributes.

So, how do you respond?

In my experience, building trust has an exponential effect on team dynamics and on your results. With increased trust, teams can share ideas & out of box thinking, raise issues earlier, and fix breakdowns quicker.

Here are 5 actions you can take to foster and reinforce trust with your team.

Building Trust &

Creating a Great Place to Work

Don’t leave out the “why.” Just because the path forward is clear and makes sense to you, doesn’t mean that it will be just as clear to others. Give your people real information and context. Provide the direction and support they need to succeed. Empower employees to ask questions, communicate the impact of your decisions, and help people understand what makes the change necessary and how they can support it. Sharing “the why” adds more transparency to what’s going on.

Recognize there is more than one way to approach change. Some people have a natural inclination to brainstorm and innovate and are quick to try new ideas. Others are stabilizers and look to implement change while maintaining and protecting what is already working. And there is a whole range in between. A stabilizer is not necessarily more resistant to change than an innovator BUT they will need more information and context. An innovator will often be an early adopter of change but may not see risks as clearly. Both approaches have strengths and vulnerabilities and both approaches are needed. Understanding your teams natural approach to change will help you set them up for success.

Show appreciation. As leaders, we must be intentional about creating an environment of appreciation. Your team puts in the work daily to help you achieve results. Without your team, you could only get so far. We should always be re-recruiting our talent internally, keeping everyone engaged through gratitude and appreciation. A 2023 report by Achievers Workforce Institute found that a staggering 79% of employees would rather stay in a job where they feel valued, even if it meant making less money. People want to feel appreciated for the work they do — telling your employee a simple "well done" might be the difference between whether they stay or start looking around for the next opportunity..

Check your ego. You can’t just assume that you’re correct because you’re in charge. It’s true, decisions are ultimately up to you, and giving your stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback and voice concerns makes people feel heard. Remember, you’ll never be able to make everyone happy, but it’s important for people to know their voices and experience are valued.

Be authentic. It’s hard for people to trust you if they don’t know you. Authentic leaders remain true to themselves and their values even in the face of adversity. The leaders that inspire the most trust show up in the same way, every time, because they operate from a place of honesty and transparency. Remember, you are human and you will make mistakes and things will not always go according to plan. Being transparent in the difficult times IS being authentic.

As leaders we can absolutely take immediate actions to make positive impacts with our teams.

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