Elevate Your Business with Expert Operational Leadership

I know that running a business is a balancing act As your company grows, managing day-to-day operations while keeping everything running smoothly becomes more challenging.

I know you have so many great ideas for growing your business, but lack the time and energy, and, if we're honest, consistency to implement them often creating organizational chaos.

I know you are stretched too thin by the never-ending demands of your business. You started this business so you could have more control over your time, money and freedom but now you somehow have less control, and you don’t have the time or energy to take on more.

Worse, It feels like all the things you did to get this far aren’t working anymore. Your business is more complex now You need help assessing the business you have now, and planning how to take it to the next level.


how much your business would grow if you weren’t the bottleneck and holding up projects and day to day decisions.

how much your revenue would increase if your operations ran with less of your involvement so you could focus on other areas for growth.

That’s where our Fractional Director of Operations (DOO) services come in.

We offer the operational leadership you need, without the commitment of a full-time hire, so you can focus on what you do best ➡ growing your business and celebrating your successes.

How Our Services Can Transform Your Business

Our Fractional DOO services are customized to fit your business. We work closely with your team, ensuring that our approach aligns with your goals and leverages your strengths. 

Here’s how we can support your business:

  • Collaborative Operational Strategy Development: We work with you to develop an operational strategy that not only supports your business objectives but also increases your operational excellence and builds on your team’s strengths and past successes.

  • Process Improvement: By analyzing your current operations, we identify bottlenecks, implement process improvements to boost efficiency and reduce costs.

  • People Plan Roadmap: Our Fractional DOO provides leadership and guidance, getting the right people in the right roles, helping your team stay aligned with your company’s vision and goals while fostering a strengths-based culture.

  • Performance Metrics and Reporting: We establish key metrics and reporting systems to monitor progress, allowing for data-driven decisions that build on your current successes.

  • Change Management: We guide your team through transitions, ensuring a smooth process that respects the strengths of your people and minimizes disruption to your operations.

  • Vendor and Supplier Management: We handle your external relationships, negotiating contracts, and ensuring your vendors and suppliers meet your quality and reliability standards.

Why Choose a Fractional Director of Operations?

Hiring a Fractional DOO brings a range of benefits, especially for businesses that are ready to scale but need expert guidance to do so effectively:

  • Cost-Effective Expertise: Access top-tier operational leadership without the expense of a full-time executive salary and benefits.

  • Scalability: Whether you need ongoing support or help with a specific project, our services adapt to your needs.

  • Fresh Perspective: We bring an outsider’s viewpoint to spot opportunities for improvement while honoring the unique strengths your team already possesses.

  • Focus on Growth: With us managing the day-to-day operations, you can focus your energy on strategic initiatives and celebrating your milestones.

  • Rapid Implementation: Our extensive experience across industries means we can quickly assess your needs, leverage your current successes, and implement effective solutions.

How our process works


Step One: Discover what you need to focus on first.

Over the course of 30 days, we dig deep into your business looking at People, Budgets, Planning and Processes.


We work with your team to oversee and advise on the execution of your custom plan. We lead regular operational meetings, outline processes/ recommendations that facilitate consistency, and advise on best practices to hit our goals.


We work with your team to leverage data to scale. We focus on creating long-term success by continuously testing, learning, iterating and building operational capacity and expertise.

Packages Designed to Get You Maximum Results

Optimization Package

On-going, fractional Director of Operations at $3500 a month (9+ months). Scale your business long term.

✓ Custom Operations Plan

✓ Comprehensive Team & Operations Assessment

✓ Weekly Project Meetings

✓ Data and reporting

✓ Daily Email & Chat Support

✓ Access to Client Templates & Resources

✓ Team Training & Education

Implementation Package

On-going, fractional Director of Operations at $4500 a month (3 to 6 months). Good for a single project focus.

✓ Custom Operations Plan

✓ Comprehensive Team & Operations Assessment

✓ Bi-Weekly Project Meetings

✓ Data and reporting

✓ Daily Email & Chat Support

✓ Access to Client Templates & Resources

✓ Team Training & Education

Hello! I’m Andrea

I’m Andrea Infelt Almaraz, CEO and Founder of Positive Shift Partners. I’ve spent over 25 years helping businesses thrive through team development and operational strategies. After leading large-scale culture change initiatives in Fortune 500 telecom and manufacturing companies and running a small business that generated over $45M in revenue, I decided to start my own business to help others build thriving teams and processes.

Drawing from the highs and lows of my own career, I work with business leaders to identify the operational gaps and pressure points that hold them back. If you’re struggling to find the right person for that key role, if you feel like you’re filling “every role” to keep things going, or if you’re the bottleneck for every decision, then it’s time for some help – and that’s where I come in.

With a strong background in team development and operational management, I bring not just experience but a deep understanding of what it takes to keep a business on track. I earned my MA in Organization Development & Adult Leadership Studies from DePaul University and am a Kolbe™ Certified Consultant. I also hold certificates in Essentials of Human Resources (DePaul University), A+ Leader program (LeadingEdge Teams), and Appreciative Inquiry (Corporation for Positive Change), as well as Cost Price Analysis and Six Sigma GreenBelt.

I’m passionate about helping business owners build the teams they need with processes that actually work so they continue to love the businesses they’ve worked so hard to create.

“Andrea is a thoughtful, strategic, and savvy leader. Most impressive is her ability to take on challenges and develop a game plan and execute the plan with success. Many can create a “plan,” Andrea can create a plan and execute like a seasoned leader.”
— Armando Villa, Founder & CEO Strategic Sales

Thank you for the clarity and the clear path forward as the team grows. The ripple effects of our work last year have been great indeed, and I’ve been feeling your guiding hand throughout!
— Elizabeth Purvis, founder & author of 7-Figure Goddess
Andrea’s knowledge of teams and organizations has been so helpful for me. She is grounded, has experience in working with a variety of organizations and very discerning and thoughtful in her consulting.

We work even better together by understanding how we each approach our work.
— Denise Beins, Owner, Grow Your Own Vegetables


  • A Fractional Director of Operations OR Chief Operations Officer is an experienced operations leader who partners with your company on a part-time or project basis. 

    This flexible approach allows you to tap into high-level expertise tailored to your needs, all while leveraging the strengths of your existing team and building on what’s already working well in your business. Our goal is to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and drive growth, ensuring your operations align with your strategic goals.

  • A Fractional DOO offers your small business the leadership and expertise of a seasoned executive—without the hefty price tag of a full-time hire. They’re there to rally your team and tackle each challenge in the most cost-effective way possible, helping your business navigate the growing pains that can hold it back from reaching its full potential.

    As a business owner, you get access to the wisdom, experience, and thought-partnership of an executive-level leader, but without the long-term salary commitment, signing bonuses, or other perks that come with hiring an in-house executive. A Fractional COO steps in to strengthen your procedures and streamline your operations, ensuring your initiatives are implemented efficiently and your daily operations are enhancing productivity instead of creating bottlenecks.

    With their guidance, your business can overcome obstacles, optimize processes, and keep moving forward—empowering you to focus on the bigger picture and lead your company toward lasting success.

  • Drawing from the lessons of her own career, Andrea works with business owners to identify the operational gaps, staffing needs, and pressure points that may be holding them back. Whether you’re struggling to find the right person for a key role, overwhelmed by having to manage “every role,” or feeling like the bottleneck in your decision-making, Andrea provides the tools and strategies to get you and your team on track.

    Her approach is based on years of hands-on experience combined with credentials, including an MA in Organization Development & Adult Leadership Studies from DePaul University. Andrea is a Kolbe™ Certified Consultant and holds certificates including: Cost Price Analysis; Six Sigma GreenBelt; Essentials of Human Resources (DePaul University); A+ Leader program (LeadingEdge Teams); Appreciative Inquiry (Corporation for Positive Change).

    Andrea’s career began with 15 years in Fortune 500 companies like AT&T, Trane, and American Standard, where she led large-scale organizational change and process improvement initiatives. Followed by 9 years of running a small business leading the team that served customers in 163 countries around the world and drove over $45M in revenue and was recognized as an Inc 500 company two years in a row.

  • I am committed to making sure your business operations scale successfully so I ONLY work with businesses that are truly ready to make the changes required to do that. This means that if the timing isn’t right, I’ll tell you. Also we always start with the Scaling Success Audit to get clear agreement on priorities and next steps.

  • If you’re reading this it’s likely because you are a Visionary who dreams big with lots of ideas. The more day to day operational aspects of the business may not be what lights you up or the highest use of your time and energy. I have spent my career as the righthand person to strong, visionary leaders. New ideas don't scare me AND I have vast experience understanding what it takes to makes those ideas a reality and the impact on the day-to-day.

  • We have worked with Lawyers, CPA's, Realtors, Business Coaches, Training companies, Non-profits and more. Our sweet spot is service-based businesses often with hybrid and/or virtual teams. Our clients have proven offers and are ready to scale their business.

  • Yes, we typically work with businesses that have a minimum of 3-5 employees. We do not want to just give you strategies and nothing gets implemented. Our DOO packages are not for solopreneurs.

Get Started Today

Ready to optimize your operations and drive growth?

Contact Positive Shift Partners today to learn more about our Fractional DOO services.

Let us help you navigate the complexities of business operations and scaling a team so you can focus on what you do best → leading your company to even greater success.

While working with Andrea, she proved herself to be knowledgeable and an expert. She is passionate about her work and others; she wants to see others succeed! Andrea cares about her clients and always follows up! She has a great spirit, she is compassionate and will train you, no teach you, how to be at your best! If you get an opportunity to work with Andrea, take it! She is truly one of the most genuine people I have ever come across!
— Tomika Hairston-Flood, Hairston Consulting

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